Methods or Principles

Recently Karen Pryor commented on whether trainers are simply using methods of training vs principles of training

It's blatantly clearn when trainers use the method approach vs understanding the principles of learning which leads more to refined skills and finess to the method used. It's like the compairison of a child learning the skill of writing to that of an accomplished calligrapher. One is coarse and unrefined while the other has art meshed with foundations and principles.

I've always emphasized the importance of really knowing and understaing behavioral psychology - the principles that either increase or decrease behavior along with being aware of setting events, motivations, and other antecedents that can 'color' a behavioral response. The other component to this refined approach is the ability to SEE behavior - stop and assess if that is the response you are working towards. Animals are telling us all the time what we are doing - be it good or bad. "Principle-based trainers keep the reinforcement contingencies clean and in effect from the start. Princple-based trainers observe their learners..."

I think that becoming a refined principle-based trainer is an evolutionary process and that the starting point is simply learning methods and developing some basic mechanical skills.


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